Ekium Pty Ltd

320 Port Road
Hindmarsh SA 5007

1300 890 054


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Company Overview

Based in Adelaide, South Australia, Ekium combines 25 years of local experience and innovation with the opportunity to tap into more than 100 years of global, multi-sector engineering capability.
Our diverse customers range from the world’s largest miners and fabricators to small engineering companies looking at improved ways to utilise the latest technological developments.

Offering end-to-end engineering services across all sectors, we deliver high-quality results and excel in emerging technologies such as Augmented and Virtual Reality, 3D modelling, animation and visualisation technology that can be applied in the design of everything from consumer products to major infrastructure developments.

Products and Services

Ekium provides end-to-end engineering design, project management and prototyping services to all sectors including mining and resources, defence, aerospace, automotive, building and construction, medical, food and beverage and utilities.

With our breadth of market knowledge, deep understanding of projects, and strong industry relationships, we are well placed to quickly understand your project needs and are ready to hit the ground running.

We also provide short to medium term secondments and contracting services, to enable customers to bring in technical staff where needed.




  • Other Professional Scientific and Technical Services
  • Professional Scientific and Technical Services

Other Capabilities

Computer aided design, drafting, engineering and visualisation

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